If you haven’t seen it by now, my friend and partner in crime, Kate, has given herself an insane reading challenge for 2022. 500 Books. I repeat. Five. Hundred. Books. So, how am I supposed to compete with that?
More …If you haven’t seen it by now, my friend and partner in crime, Kate, has given herself an insane reading challenge for 2022. 500 Books. I repeat. Five. Hundred. Books. So, how am I supposed to compete with that?
More …Let’s face it. Readers are always looking for challenges. There are always new readathons being hosted by bloggers and booktubers. The Goodreads Reading Goal is very widely used, as are other year-long reading goals such as the Read Harder Challenge.
Every year bookworms everywhere take stock of the books they finished reading over the last 365 days and make a new goal for what they hope to accomplish this upcoming year. I am no different but I must admit I was disappointed in myself this past year as I barely reached my minimal reading goal and definitely did not write enough reviews this past year either. The reason for all of this? Reading slumps. What did I do to try and break out of this? Keep reading to find out!
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