By: Kendra Elliot
Website: https://www.kendraelliot.com/home/
Release Date: June 18th, 2019
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Series: Mercy Kilpatrick
Well, let’s see, we’re on book number six which is also the final book in this series. Knowing that I took my time with the book, as much as I could with how concerned I was over Mercy and the fate of her loved ones.
This book focuses on a horrible situation for Mercy. The ATF comes to her, needing her to stand in for their undercover agent and infiltrate the militia, working to find out what the militia is planning.
Once again Mercy and Truman are working on different cases (Truman handling multiple murders while also worrying about Mercy) and while their situations force them to have distractions and other challenges their minds are never far from each other which I found endearing in this book series.
If you haven’t caught on by the tone of my reviews by now, I highly recommend this series. Kendra Elliot creates wonderful characters and has these amazing plot twists throughout.
We do get a lot of answers at the end of this series and while things were tied up nicely I have to say, I wouldn’t mind a follow-up book. However, with how amazing this entire series was I understand Elliot’s decision to let this book be the last in the series.
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