Review- Three Days Missing

Three Days Missing
By: Kimberly Belle
Release Date: June 26th, 2018
Publisher: Park Row

Every once in a while a book is recommended to me through Goodreads or Kindle and while I usually enjoy the books sometimes I’m skeptical. Three Days Missing was one of the books I kept seeing pop up that was recommended to me but I didn’t buy it, not yet. I put it on my Kindle wishlist and moved on. So when there was a sale on the book I got that lovely notification and finally clicked “Buy”.

Once I started reading I was so mad at myself for waiting so long. This story is about how two mothers, Kat and Stef, are pulled into each other’s worlds as their kids are on a field trip together and a child is reported missing. The question is–whose child is missing? Then, as the adults in this town continually screw up the hunt for the missing kid (I’m talking everyone screws it up, police, teachers, parents) the fear goes up a notch and you really wonder as a reader who will make it out of this scenario alive. I was on the edge of my seat as I read this, searching for answers as frantically as Kat and Stef were and I was so attached to Ethan, although I hadn’t had much time with him, that I literally could not sleep until I found out the truth.

Also, let me just say it takes an amazing author to make me despise characters so much that I call one a very impolite word, rather loudly, in the middle of the night. The amount of foul language I muttered as I read this book (mostly directed at one character in particular) was astounding and even my Kindle notes show a much more colorful side of my language.

As a way of introducing me to Kimberly Belle the suggestion couldn’t have been handled better. While looking at her catalog of other works I can see many that would appeal to me but I wonder if any would have gripped me quite like this story.

If you’re looking for an edge-of-your-seat thriller, this is it.

About author

Brittney Soban

Brittney is a writer, reader and general lover of all things that end up printed on a page. With a few published poems and a lot of unpublished stories and novels she spends her days doing a nine to five job while wishing she was home working on the worlds she loves to create. As “punishment”, her and her brothers were banned from watching television for a week, leading to Brittney deciding that the free books at the library were better than TV and, in a very Matilda fashion, she took home loads of books every day and has never looked back. A reader of all types of literature, she will read practically anything put in front of her as long as something within it, no matter how small, sparks her interest. Give her high fantasy, science fiction, mystery, it doesn’t matter, but her love does lie within the fantasy and YA genres. A series junkie on top of everything else, she picks and chooses when to begin a series based on how many standalone books also await her attention in her to be read pile. Once she starts a series she will read every installment available back to back until she finishes a series or is forced to wait for the next publication. Called a book dragon by her boyfriend, the term is fitting as she owns more books than anything else and is quite sure her obituary will state she died under an avalanche of books. She truly wouldn’t have it any other way.

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