By: Dot Hutchinson
Website: https://www.fantasticfiction.com/h/dot-hutchison/#:~:text=Dot%20Hutchison%20is%20the%20author,adult%20thriller%20The%20Butterfly%20Garden.
Release Date: May 21st, 2019
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Series: The Collector
Book four and the final book in the Collector Series by Dot Hutchinson. The Vanishing Season was just as wild of a ride as the rest of the books in the series. Honestly, when I started book one I knew I was in for some intense reading but by the end of the series, I’m not sure the series has a proper warning label. Seriously, if you’re ready for an intense ride with this group of detectives, jump in at book one. If you’re not sure…maybe wait. The subject matter is heavy, the twists and turns are plenty and if you’re not careful you’ll get sucked in like I did.
Eliza Sterling and Brandon Eddison are the focus of this book as they work to solve the missing case of Brooklyn Mercer, an eight-year-old girl who could be Eliza’s daughter for how alike they look. Another gut twist? It’s the anniversary of Eddison’s own little sister’s disappearance.
While Eddison is trying to work through the pain of the anniversary and focus on doing his job the team finds that there is a horrendous pattern going on and that Brooklyn isn’t the only little girl they need to get try and save and get answers for.
Honestly, my heart was on edge the entire time I was reading this. Not only because of the story but because I knew it was the end of the series and while I was glad to leave some of the horrors of this series behind I was going to miss the characters.
There was a lot of loss, change and surprise moments in this book and looking back over my notes on this book my heart aches at the passages I copied down, the moments that hit me hard while reading and the way that Dot Hutchinson always knows how to slay me with just a few words.
“We heal, mostly, but even scars can bleed.”
If you’re looking for a wild series full of emotion, character development, thrills, murder and a touch of real world horror pick up the Collector Series. Just be ready for the intensity found on these pages, you’ve been warned.
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