O.W.L. Reading Challenge

I might have discovered this month long reading challenge late, but it’s definitely one I will be participating in. April 2nd to April 29th is the OWL Reading Challenge. This reading challenge is hosted by Gintare over at Book Roast. It’s been some time since I’ve stumbled on a readathon or reading challenge and gotten this excited about it. Despite being late, I just knew that I had to join in.

For 2019 OWL Reading Challenge see here. For 2020 OWL Reading Challenge see here.

The theme this time is the Hogwart’s O.W.L. exams. Each class has its own specific challenge relating somehow to that subject. One book counts for one subject only. Not only do novels count, but graphic novels, manga, and more as well. No need to complete every class. A total of five challenges means you’ve aced your O.W.L.s.

I’m not sure how many of these challenges I’ll be able to complete. This is due largely to the fact that the month’s half over and I’ve only just stumbled on this reading challenge. However, I’m aiming to complete more than the five required to beat the challenge as the challenges beating in this reading challenge will determine which N.E.W.T.s you’re qualified for in the next reading challenge.

Check out the complete list of challenges here.

So far I don’t have a book lined up for every category. Some I’ve left blank in the hopes that I’ll stumble across an eligible book somewhere on my bookshelves. But the following is what I’m planning on reading so far.

Ancient Runes: Null States by Malka Older

Arithmancy: One Way by S. J. Morden

Astronomy: Void Black Shadow by Corey R. White

Care of Magical Creatures: Quintessence by David Walton

Charms: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Defense Against the Dark Arts: The Shotgun Arcana by R. S. Belcher


Herbology: Sea of Rust by  C. Robert Cargill

History of Magic:

Muggle Studies: Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History by Bill Schutt


Transfiguration: Cutie Honey a Go Go! By Go Nagai, Ito Shinpei, and Anno Hideaki

About author

Kathleen Townsend

Kate writes things, reads things, and writes about things she reads. She’s had a few short stories published, and works as a freelance editor. Favorite genres include epic & high fantasy, science fiction, time travel stories, video game related tales, light novels, and manga.

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