By: Lisa Regan
Website: https://lisaregan.com/
Release Date: October 17th, 2017
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Series: Claire Fletcher and Detective Parks Mystery
Book two in this series (I’m wondering if we’ll get more books or not) and really not much is different from the first book except the mystery isn’t solely around Claire anymore. And, while it is part of the series, you don’t need to read Finding Claire Fletcher to read Losing Leah Holloway (although I strongly suggest that you do).
Again I finished the book quickly, in less than two days as, if I remember correctly I started this directly after Finding Claire Fletcher at around 11:50 PM, which is why my reading start date was January 2nd and my finish date was January 4th.
If you’re asking what drew me in to keep reading even late at night, well, once again it is due to Lisa Regan’s ability to kick off the book with such a fiercely intense opening that my “just one chapter” mentality went out the window.
Another aspect of Regan’s writing that is undeniable? Her character growth. Claire and Connor don’t grow leaps and bounds in the blink of an eye, Regan gives her characters time to grow, change, adapt and learn as you would expect from normal, actual human beings. I give her a lot of credit for doing that because I’m sure there were moments when her characters lack of growth made it harder to get the story to the same conclusion. Taking time and letting the characters take their time meant it was a much more believable story and characterization.
Claire walks the fine line between damaged victim and bad ass survivor so perfectly. She knows she isn’t untouchable, she knows and owns her damaged psyche and emotions but she doesn’t let it completely define her as she tries to reconnect with family and build a new life.
The book gives us two events to focus on, the car crash the Leah witnesses and the serial killer Connor is trying to catch which keeps the action moving and keeps readers from feeling as though nothing is progressing.
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